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Building your brand? Customer Service woes have you troubled? Team building writers block?
We offer customer service training, team-building expertise and culturally relevant non-verbal training that will take your business or service to the next level in business and beyond.
We all have to work, it is a necessary evil in our life. But –that is the ONLY evil part that should be involved. Conflict in the workplace, low customer service skills, high-turn over, lack of upward movement or even if you feel like your team needs some TLC, I am here to help! My award-winning style of communication has captivated audiences of all ages, backgrounds, levels of education and profession. My various options for communication consulting begin with a complimentary conversation that lasts up to 30 minutes that includes initial discovery of services and expectations. Following our conversation, a comprehensive review and analysis of business begin and a face-to-face or shadow opportunity, opportunities to improve and even learning how to have difficult conversations. The art of communication is teachable if you are willing to learn.